Friday, January 27, 2006

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, and Something Blue

"Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue" are supposed to be an old tradition for the bride that she has to carry/have for her wedding. Each item in this rhyme represents a good-luck token for the bride. If she carries all of them on her wedding day, her marriage will be happy. "Something old" symbolizes continuity with the bride's family and the past. "Something new" means optimism and hope for the bride's new life ahead. "Something borrowed" is usually an item from a happily married friend or family member, whose good fortune in marriage is supposed to carry over to the new bride. The borrowed item also reminds the bride that she can depend on her friends and family. Well, in my case:
Something new is definitely my beautiful Kate Spade shoes that my husband bought me:

Something old are my Mom's diamonds (that she's been saving for me to be given at my wedding!) that were custom made by my Aunt into my wedding jewelries: 3 stones diamond pendant, the matching diamond earrings set, and the beautiful diamond bracelet.

It's not so hard to get something blue as blue is my favorite color! Initially I want to have blue shoes, but can't find it anywhere that I love. Then I went a little different, the tulles underneath my dress, but Mom disagreed as it made the dress change color, no, we don't want that.
So, the blue is the little ribbons on the garter:

At first I was hoping that I can wear my Mom-in-law hair jewelry that she wore from her wedding, but unfortunately she can't find it anywhere... Something borrowed is the wedding rings' jewelry box that I borrowed from my good friend Jetty. The wooden box is so beautiful that I fell in love with it the minute I saw it at her wedding.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Art of Public Speaking

Most of the people dread public speaking. What was it that made people feel that way? Was it the public that you have to face or just the feeling whether you'll say all the right things and the right words. The Art of Public Speaking, at the wedding especially, can be tricky. Lots of horror stories that I have heard (and seen) about these wedding speeches when the deliverer was too caught up in the moment, or just simply wasted due the ridiculous amount of drinks from the bar! Luckily, in our case, nothing embarrassing happened! Assaf, the groom's bestman (and little brother) though he was just plain nervous as he read the many points that he cramped into the McDonald's napkin, he succeeded to tell his dearest brother how he adored him.
As for Frances, my Maid of Honor, she just simply delivered a tear-jerker, very emotional speech. She was successful in making me cry! Well, not just me I guess..., almost all the people at the reception! Excellent job for a first-timer!

(The Bestman delivered the speech)

(Dave, our awesome MC, showed the McDonald's napkin that the bestman wrote on) (Frances delivering the speech)